Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Store Operations Board Responds to Campaign Opposing Big Business on Campus

Our e-mail campaign, in conjunction with the discussion opened up by Senator Oatfield's bill and its accompanying petition, have worked so far!

While before the Panda Express plan seemed to be inevitable, and some at the Auxiliary had tried to characterize opposition to it as irresponsible or, even worse at Berkeley, "radical," more in-touch student representatives on the Store Operations Board have organized a Community Forum on the issue, recognizing the need for an open community dialogue before plans continue to be pursued.

The Community Forum will take place on Wednesday evening. We will post updates regarding the discussion afterwards.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Act Now to Stop Panda

The e-mail campaign has been disabled after being successful in raising attention on this issue. Thank for your support.

The ASUC Auxiliary, an arm of the University administration, is trying to get students to agree to a plan to bring Panda Express to Cal's campus.

The Daily Cal, Clog, and a number of other students are opposed to this plan for a variety of reasons. The Clog said it best when they heard the idea: "are you serious?"

Now is your chance to send an e-mail to the ASUC Auxiliary, the ASUC Senate, and the Store Operations Board asking them to trash this plan, and to support Senator Christina Oatfield's bill in opposition to the plan instead.
Please select the people you would like to receive your e-mail:

ASUC Auxiliary Director Nadesan Permaul
ASUC Senate
Jordan Smith, Chair of Store Operations Board
Nish Rajan, Student Representative of Store Operations Board
David Rhoads, Student Representative of Store Operations Board

Please fill out the following information about yourself:


Please customize the text of the e-mail you would like to send:

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Clog on Panda Express: Ugh, are you serious?


Panda Express on Campus: Ugh, are you serious?

"The Bay Area–and Berkeley in particular with its Chez Panisse family–is food Mecca, so why is Panda Express about to move into a new Lower Sproul spot?"

Daily Cal Opposes Plans to Bring Panda Express


Cancel Takeout Plans

"Inviting various fast-food chains to build a food court like UC San Diego's Price Center makes sense at a college devoid of eateries within walking distance. But countless restaurants can be found on the fringes of UC Berkeley, and an urban campus integrated into a bustling downtown area has no pressing need for another on-site restaurant.

"While financial backing is a plus, other factors are worth considering before finalizing the decision. Adding another corporate chain to our community is not a priority, and perhaps a saying tucked into a fortune cookie sums it up best: "Every excess becomes a vice."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thank You

Thank you for sending an e-mail to the ASUC Senate and the ASUC Auxiliary director expressing your opposition to this plan.

Please share this link with your friends on Facebook:


And please SIGN THE PETITION as well!

Also consider setting it as your status on Facebook, gChat, or AIM!